The best way to change our society to an ethical one, is to just build a new system that ignores the current systems completely and use that in our own local communities. To be able to do this we need to make our local communities self sufficient, as soon as possible. The local communities are represented in the little circles on our coin design (see below).

It is clear that having small self sufficient communities is the biggest threat to the globalists. That is why they disturb the communities with massive immigration schemes and why they are destroying farmers, fishers and hunters. They can only control you when you can only buy your food using their money in their supermarkets of their 15 minute cities.

The greateat fear for globalists is when there are strong small communities that take car of themselves and thus are able to decide to abandon the current financial system if they want to.

Leaving their system won't be easy, but in the end a massive abandoning of their system now will be a lot easier than trying to slowly change parts of their system, playing by their rules. Even if we would somehow succeed to achieve to close the wealth gap a bit, it would just take way too much time.

When you create a new financial system, it is logic that it would not be fair if you need to buy yourself in with money that is created in an unfair way. The wealth difference between the wealthiest 5.000 people and the rest of us is already so big that allowing that amount of money to buy itself in such a new system, will corrupt it beyond repair from the start.

This simple logic disqualifies for example all existing Crypto that can be bought with fiat money. Also new systems based on gold will not be able to correct the crime that centuries of unfair money printing has caused.

The only way to get to a system where money is created fairly, is through a process what can be described as a "hard reset".

To create fair money in an ethical way, there are basically 5 rules:
  1. Every participant in the economy should participate equally in the value that is created each time new money is issued.
  2. Every participant in the economy should have the right and possibility to check the entire financial history of anybody he transacts with.
  3. The money of the new system should not be exchanged (mixed) with money from the current system.
  4. All payments of rent, mortgage, lease, loans and governmental taxes of the current financial system should be abolished. This means that people take full possession of the house they live in and cars they drive. The issues that this process will bring, need to be resolved by arbitrary committees and properly documented.
  5. All precious metals and precious stones should be confiscated, be put in public trusts and be used for public benefit projects like infrastructure, healthcare and to help resolve arbitrary procedures under 4.
These rules should be used when we want to restore the damages of the massive crime that owners of the financial system have caused in the last centuries.

If we would succeed to replace the existing system for an ethical system and redistribute all the wealth with it, the amount of wealth that will be available for every person will be beyond believe. This is mainly because there is no system anymore that extracts all wealth by the inflation of money printing.

In this fair system, every family will able to fully own a proper house and a car and will also never have to worry of any other basic necessities like water, food, medicine, clothing, safety and information.

Once this is achieved, the importance of money will likely reduce. It is even possible that society will be able to function without money altogether. Logically this can only be achieved after wealth is properly redistributed, which also implies that a hard reset is needed.

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