Logical Steps For A Peaceful Society

The current financial system is a Ponzi scheme. It is created to enslave people and to take away their properties. Especially in times of war this effect is accelerated. That is why the families that own all central banks started every war in the last 400 years. Through pandemic emergency laws they want to push everyone on a digital ID and next to use programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies. The CDBC is the perfect slave system, designed to serve the people that want to be rulers in a one world dictatorship through the United Nations, the WHO and the WEF.

One by one people will however see through the lies the media (that are owned by the same families) are feeding us for ages. Once you understand what these people have done you will understand why there is only one logical answer. Abandon their system completely and start over with a financial system that breaks two monopolies:

  1. Instead of having only a tiny group of psychopaths benefiting from their monopoly to create money out of thin air, we use a coin that is created and constantly evenly distributed among all users.
  2. Instead of allowing only banks and governments to see all your transactions, the only logical alternative is providing everyone full insight in everyone else’s transactions.

How this exactly works you can read in a 40MB book that you can download here for free. 


In this blog you can read about the new Python development of the 1CoinH app.

Currently there is no proper working version of the 1CoinH program in this repository. More functional updates will follow soon.


UPDATE Apr 16th 2024
The last 4 weeks we made massive progress. All screens have proper layouts and are “operational”, which means they work dynamically. We ran a simulation with 50 virtual users (with virtual images and virtual data) and let them do 6.250 transactions. This simulation data was then used to finalise the layout of the screens and make them properly dynamic.

Currently we are working to make the data properly operational. The simulation data is used to create (virtual) personal blockchains. Once that works and is properly tested we can go live. So it seems we are close, but this last step is not very easy. We have still some major bridges to cross, like the QR scanning. So we will need several more weeks to get everything going.

Because the development was extremely fast in the last weeks we only used the Telegram group to post the progression. So please check more details over there.

We also need people to help us with the development and testing. Go to our Gitlab Page to find our most recent code. If you need help, contact us in our Telegram group.


UPDATE Mar 17th 2024
After issues with the internet (due to an under water internet cable damage, West Africa suffered a week with extreme slow faulty internet connections) and the migration of the internet-provider to another host, the website is finally online again. It seems that these errors are now been resolved.

The Python program is constantly making progress. We need to create about 3 remaining screen formats and solve some issues with the image canvas. Once that is done we start working on the actual creation of the IDCard, and after that we will start connecting the data to the screens and making the entire program working. It would be nice is some people from the 1CoinH group could start downloading the code and see if they can run it. The experience with this can help us write an install manual and will help us with debugging and improving the user experience. This is also important as it will help us grow the open-source community around our app.

UPDATE Mar 9th 2024
Today was a much more productive day than the last two (for my part). I am just pushing to get the User Interface complete. In the meantime Milo is making a lot of progress with the blockchain desig and ways to store transactions and exchange data during exchanges. Next to that a lot of work is done by him to create a testing environment so we can test the various procedures of the app. He also did a massive job restructuring the code to make it more organised, more professional and easier to work with. So we are getting closer to making the data structure actually working, which is where all the magic is done. The next weeks will be very interesting!

UPDATE Mar 6th 2024
Today I solved 2 important issues with colors and buttons. Next I made the Name, Birthday and Gender page as shown above. I tried to use dialog popups, but got issues with dynamically changing the dialog boxes. Because of that I chose for now to keep using new pages. Milo worked hard on the blockchain data and the coin creation process. We are making quite some progress now. The basic functionality (to collect all user data in a central place, is also active for these pages.

UPDATE Mar 5th 2024
And another update:
Today I debugged several language issues and set language features i some pages I apparently did forget. Among them was the color page (I know, not very important…). But the most work was the buttons on the IDCard page, that I also needed to provide a page per button. And translate everything in 9 languages. So tomorrow (which already started) I will start putting the functionality on these 10 IDCard pages so people can enter their name, gender, height ans other features.

UPDATE MAR 4th 2024
Today I translated the available pages into 9 languages including buttons and other text elements. This was important because doing this later will be a massive job with possibly lots of small errors. So this is functional. Further we spent quite some time discussing the Personal Blockchains, the cashbook system and details of it regarding the including of 5 other originators in transactions, and explaining why this is necessary, after we started the day talking about how to create new identities or to change them. So another very busy day, where we still were able to make big progress. Talking about the fundamentals of 1CoinH is still very important, so there can be no mistake about what it is that we are building. Tomorrow we continue…

UPDATE Mar 2nd & 3rd 2024

On Mar 2nd I spent a lot of time to get the buttons properly arranged in our screen. It looks simpl, but because everything needs to be able to scale properly, this is still a lot of work. Once it is properly spaced, that code can be used on many other pages. Also a lot of time was spent on the drawer (to slide a left menu in vision) but this widget had too many buggy issues that we decided to just remove the entire drawer menu.

Today (Mar 3rd) we made several other screen layouts: ‘Settings’, ‘Screen Color’, and a ‘Backup’, ‘Restore’ and ‘Clear All Local Data’ page. The pages are not functional, except the Select color function, that is now working. I know, colors is one of the least important functions, but it is good to learn the Python KivyMD intricacies on pages that are not to difficult. And again there were also quite some issues and even bugs with this specific version of Python KiviMD. Nothing that is too complicated to work around, but it is annoying because it wastes a lot of time. Parallel we are also looking at implementing multi language functionality and other initial setup work.

It still is a massive job to set up all the basics for this “medium sized app”. So expect us to work for at least a month to get it to work properly again. And again: any help is very welcome, so keep asking around you for coders that love the concept and would like to join us.

UPDATE Mar 1st 2024

Today we synchronised our git’s, we solves some issues with various KivyMD versions, we made the screen_manager work with the MDTopAppBar and MDBottomAppBar so that the buttons actually make the app pages swap. We also discussed the functional design, the data-model and the CI/CD testing. Finally I finished the splash screen and included this image on the main menu page. So now all the doors are open to generate all other app-pages and to collect/write all the functions. Massive progress for 1 day!

UPDATE Feb 29th 2024

Small update on the new 1ConH Python project. Today I uninstalled KivyMD 2.0 and installed KivyMD 1.1.1 because it is more stable at the moment. KivyMD allows you to make very nice buttons and other user interface stuff to make the app look modern and intuitive. I tested it and it works fine (after some struggles). Then I made 2 files: requirements.txt and functions.txt that you can find in our repository at gitlab: https://gitlab.com/1coinh/onecoinh_python All nice stuff for the Nerds in this crowd 😁 Hopefully we can show some parts of the new user interface in the next few days.

UPDATE Feb 28th 2024

Today we’ve created the “1coinh-goes-python” project in GitLab. Coders can follow the development of the program on this GitLab page.

If you are interested to see what is happening there, we advise you to register a GitLab account (if you don’t have one already)  and – if possible – even participate in the development of our app.

To register on GitLab goto https://gitlab.com/users/sign_up

Once you have your user data setup, you can see our software development at https://gitlab.com/1coinh/onecoinh_python.git

You can download our programs using:

First you can create a KivyMD folder and installed KivyMD 1.1.1 there by using this instruction:

pip install kivymd==1.1.1

that you can find on this page:

If you however want to contribute to the project by actually improving parts of the system you can do this as well, because the project is Open-Source!

To participate in the GitLab 1coinh-goes-python project it is important to install ‘Git’ on your system. By using your terminal you can browse to the folder where you downloaded the 1CoinH-python files. In this directory you init git by using “git init” in your terminal. After that you can use “git status” to see the status of the software in your directory. New files will be first labelled as “Untracked files” to indicate they are invisible for the Gitlab repository.

With various git instructions you can download the latest versions of the 1CoinH software from the Gitlab environment or upload any changes that you want to make to the latest version to the Gitlab environment. This is basically how open source software is developed.

With the “git add .” instruction or “git add <filename>” you can indicate that the files in your directory are ready to be picked up by the Gitlab repository. Files that are ‘added’ this way are now ‘ready to be committed’ to the Gitlab repository. By adding files and giving them a sort of ‘ready to commit’ status, basically we create a group of files that can be sent to the Gitlab repository. This seems to be the reason for this first step.

The next step is to ‘commit’ this entire group and connect a message to what the purpose of this groups’ software changes is. The instruction to do this is:
git commit -m “your message”

Committing is however not the last step. To actually push the files to the Gitlab repository, we need to use the ‘push’ command. It looks like this:
git push -u “https://gitlab.com/1coinh/1coinh-goes-python.git” main

Finally, to download the latest official version, you use the instruction:
git pull .

You can learn more about ‘Git’ in this video: https://youtu.be/OWaZXtgq28c?si=p9W5k0tFKn-41E5V

For now there is only one person developing this Python 1CoinH version, it is not necessary to go much deeper how to setup GitLab for multi users. We will cross that bridge when we get there. What we will do is use GitLab to register bugs and todo features so visitors can see exactly how far we are with the development.